How would you rate your multi-tasking skills? Many would say that, in order to excel in our industry, multi-tasking is a trait that comes in handy. At our mining sites, the act of ticket writing involves balancing a symphony of quick-moving pieces. For our newest Ticket Writers, Sara Gray and Hayden Wimberly, this is where these ladies shine. At Perry Plant, you’ll find Sara making her impact and at DeSoto Plant, you’ll be greeted by Hayden with a smile.

Eddie Ragsdale (Superintendent) shared, “Both of these ladies are great at multi-tasking. On a busy day, trucks can be rolling through as quickly as every minute or two… Which is not unusual.” On top of that, both Sara and Hayden are recalling significant amounts of info with each ticket they process – truckers, truck numbers, material descriptions, destinations, and more. Eddie added, “They’ve both caught on quick. Most people don’t realize how complicated it is to write tickets at the plants.”
Even still, these ladies take the fast-paced environment in stride, often being praised for the excellence each displays in customer service. Star Lewis (Sales Rep) who works closely with both Sara and Hayden remarked, “Both women have made my job easier. They are some of the best ticket writers we’ve seen in a while… both attitude and work-wise.”
She added, “Hayden’s customer service is on point. She is always polite and has really just impressed me with her dispatching skills. Sara’s attitude stays great, and she really excels at ticket writing.”
It’s one thing to go above and beyond in customer service, but another thing entirely to carry out that same level of care with the members of each plant. Both ladies have gone out of their way to improve and clean portions of the scale house, even adding snack bins for members to enjoy. When both plant teams are asked about the new additions to the team, there is no shortage of kind words shared in Sara’s and Hayden’s favor. Suffice it to say that our family of companies’ core value of relationships is what each exudes.
Unsurprisingly, the foremen of each plant also had high praise to share. Stan Leverson (Perry Plant Foreman) said, “We love having Sara here. She’s always doing things to help the team. She even has a bulletin board where she shares words of encouragement.” Spencer Higganbothan (former DeSoto Plant Foreman) remarked, “Hayden instantly fit in well and became family. She is an all-around great person who gets along with everyone.”
We thank Sara and Hayden for being such assets to our wash plant sites. They are a perfect picture of our core values and both hold bright futures with our family of companies!