“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’"
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We talk often about the ties that our family of companies has within the communities where we live and work. While the paving services and mining materials play a role in benefitting our neighbors, MLK Day of Service brings a new focus to how we can help our communities to thrive.
Now in the 9th year of this annual tradition, the footprint of service projects has grown to not only serve Memphis residents, but also north Mississippi communities. This year alone, our team took on more than 40 individual projects for nearly 15 non-profits.
On the morning of January 16, 2023, many of us were greeted by a rainy weather forecast. Yet, it serves as a true testament to this team’s heart for service that they pressed on through a number of rain showers.
Whether it be to lend aid with resources or to simply free up bandwidth for the non-profits to focus elsewhere, our team operates with one goal in mind for the day’s events: Impact.

As Advance Memphis works to make updates to their Bellevue Ave. warehouse, our team of skilled welders helped remove a rotting ledge from the side of the building.
As Alcy Ball Development Corporation paves the way for future affordable housing developments in the community, our family of companies stepped in to help clear and regrade several lots of brush and debris.
Having recently acquired a new property, Alpha Omega Veterans Services partnered with the Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel team to complete projects that will jumpstart a future garden/orchard for veterans in the care of the facility.
Knowledge Quest centers a large portion of programming around an urban micro-farm that sits on the campus. These garden beds provide aid in the form of food security and fellowship for Memphis residents. Our team stepped in to help replace siding for these garden beds to aid the mission.
In Grenada, Mississippi, several team members spent the day with the Boys and Girls Club taking on several projects that included: re-mulching the playground, painting, pressure washing, and more.
A new partnership this year included the Palmer Home for Children. Our family of companies was honored to join their team in building a new fence and benches for staff and children of the property.
For many team members, MLK Day of Service serves as a kick-off point for our mission each year. If this day was any indicator of what 2023 has in store, we eagerly keep our eyes on the horizon.
Click the video below to check out more of our projects from MLK Day of Service.